Monday, June 24, 2013


Found the internet to upload some pictures! There are a few from Dar and a few at the end of Arusha. Badai!

Orange sellers. Very common around Dar. And very delicious.

Tucker, James, and Emily talking to Dr. Rajabu.
Riding in a three wheeled cab-motorcycle to lunch. Super fun!
Having a full conversation with a man at the fish market in broken Swahili
 and broken English. I left with two small shells  as a gift and request for me to return.  

Karikoo market! Or one intersection of it at least. 

A man coming back from fishing in a dugout canoe on the Indian Ocean

James, Emily, Tucker, and I on the boat to a beach on our last day in Dar.

Fist full day of Wohelo so I had to wear the uni on the beach :)

DHE and the four Dartmouth Students we took Swahili classes with.

It was nice lighting.
Emily and the sun.
A beautiful sunset on our last day in Dar.

Walking down the road back to our hotel. That's someone's yard-turned-cornfield on the right.

A view of the roof tops of the area our hotel is in. It's the best angle I could get.

A market we wandered around this morning looking for supplies to set up
our fuel making operation. We got in a little swahili bargaining for some sacks
and shears which was fun. (Swahili lesson: mcasi means scissors and mfuko
is bag)
A view of one of the gardens near our hotel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel,

    I guess I need to keep this appropriate as blog comments are public? It sounds very exciting, challenging and adventurous and so not for me! I hope you are having fun. You mentioned Emily is from Toronto. Is she also at Dartmouth? Whereabouts in Toronto? I have a personal interest in Toronto as you know : ). Canada Day here. Quiet, not like 4th of July. At least in Toronto. I am enjoying a 4 day long weekend and getting Kang Kang ready for an overnight camp Tuesday-Friday. Take care, Love Auntie Ellen
